Self Love 101 is a course designed for women who want to build a deep connection with self and work to unravel the limitations that block the ability to really be at a place of acceptance and peace of who they really are.

The program has been created in modules that look at the various components of self-love including: self-awareness, self-honesty, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-care, self-protection, self-empowerment, self-expression, self-trust, self-esteem, self-honour and self-enjoyment. Each module will look at the various components of the current beliefs held by you and those that are limiting or negative are challenged through various activities. New positive beliefs are presented and strategies and tools are given to maintain these about to help you reconnect with yourself.

The benefits of the program are numerous and include: conquering fears and phobias; reduction of negative self-talk; increased acceptance of self; increased resilience and confidence; increased self-care; increased relationship skills; increased assertiveness skills; increased mental and physical health; direction for the future; reduction or elimination of self-destructive behaviours.

Date: 2 hours every Wednesday night at 6pm for 6 weeks starts 6 October 2022

Online course

Cost: $695

Spaces are limited - call or send a message to 0437 229 180 to book or discuss further.

Course facilitated by Karen Ormston - Certified Life Coach and ThetaHealing Practitioner.


Healthy Friendships


Healthy Body Image